Farewell & best wishes Colin!


It is with gratitude and warmest wishes we announce that our Vice President of Finance & Special Projects, Colin Corcoran, will be bidding farewell from Genesis effective February 3rd, 2023. Colin has been a tremendous part of the Genesis team over the past six years, and has embodied our core values in many ways.

From growing our financial portfolio and revenues, to being the lead on our second location at Coworking, to being a trusted advisor to countless clients, Colin’s impact will be felt for many years to come. Colin also had a significant role to play in the establishment and ongoing success of the Ocean Startup Project (OSP). OSP is an initiative of Genesis and five Atlantic partners and the project has grown to become a pan-Canadian initiative whose mission it is to make Canada the best place in the world to start and grow an ocean technology company. He has been a tireless champion for entrepreneurs and the technology startup community in our province.

We are deeply grateful for his time and contributions to Genesis, and he will continue to be an important part of our wider community as he heads onto his next professional chapter.

For any questions, please reach out to info@genesiscentre.ca.
